Technical Documents

Application of Film Forming Substances in Industrial Steam Generators

Guidelines and Processes for the application of film forming substances (FFS) in industrial steam generation. Source: IAPWS

Application of Film Forming Substances in Fossil, Combined Cycle, and Biomass Power Plants

Cycle Chemistry Guidelines and Processes for the application of film forming amines (FFA) and Film Forming Amine Products (FFAP) in fossil and combined cycle / HRSG power plants. Source: IAPWS

Steam Purity for Turbine Operation

Cycle Chemistry Guidelines on steam purity limits for steam turbines in fossil, combined cycle, nuclear, industrial and geothermal power plants. Customization for each plant is provided when using phosphates and amines, and in the presence of organics and carbon dioxide. Source: IAPWS

Volatile treatments for the steam-water circuits of fossil and combined cycle/HRSG power plants

Cycle Chemistry Guidelines providing feedwater, boiler water and steam targets and limits for all-volatile and oxygenated treatments (AVT and OT) based on ammonia and alternative amines in fossil and combined cycle / HRSG power plants. Customization for each type of plant is provided. Source: IAPWS